Manlet meaning explained as Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner height difference Reddit thread sparks debat

Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner's divorce has sparked a lot of speculations online, with the conversation now veering towards their height difference. The couple confirmed their divorce on September 6, 2023, with a statement on their social media.

Joe reportedly filed for divorce on September 5, citing that "the marriage between the parties is irretrievably broken." Some fans are now saying that this decision has something to do with the height difference between Jonas and Turner.

The speculation arose after a Reddit post by r/shortguys went viral. The user shared a picture of the former couple, implying that an alleged reason for their divorce was a major difference in height between them. The caption to the post read:

"Look at joe jonas and sophie turner, height doesnt [sic]..." well now they're divorcing..."

As per SheKnows, Joe's height is 5'7" whereas Sophie's is 5'9".

A fan's post about Sophie and Joe's height difference. (Image via Reddit)

As a result of such speculation about the couple's height, the word "manlet" has now been making rounds on the internet.

Disclaimer: Manlet is a pejorative word used in popular lingo and memes. SK Pop, in no way, supports or believes in the definition of the same.

As per Collins Dictionary, the word manlet refers to "to men who are below average height who attempt to emphasise their masculinity through body building."

Fans think that Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner's height difference was a possible factor in their divorce

Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner began dating in 2016 and got married on May 1, 2019, as per People. They have two daughters together - Willa, who was born in May 2020 and another, who was born in May 2022. Her name wasn't disclosed to the public.

The couple officially announced their divorce on their Instagram accounts on September 6, 2023. Their joint statement read, "After four wonderful years of marriage, we have mutually decided to amicably end our marriage." It continued:

"There are many speculative narratives as to why but, this is truly a united decision and we sincerely hope that everyone can respect our wishes for privacy for us and our children."

Fans and various media outlets have since made several comments and speculations about the possible reasons behind Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner's divorce. The latest of such speculations seem to be indicating the height difference between the two as a possible reason.

While some seem apprehensive of this theory, nevertheless, it seems to be taking hold online.

Netizens believe height could be a factor in relationships. (Image via Reddit)
Some fans defend Joe Jonas and his height. (Image via Reddit)

Speculations are rife about the Joe Jonas-Sophie Turner split

On September 6, 2023, TMZ reported that as per multiple sources close to Joe Jonas, he allegedly caught Sophie Turner doing or saying something on a ring camera that led to him realizing their marriage was over.

Prior to that, TMZ had also reported that as per sources close to the Sucker singer one of the alleged reasons for the divorce was Turner reportedly enjoying parties.

After receiving a lot of backlash over these claims, Jonas finally opened up about the matter. As per Business Insider, during his show at the Dodgers Stadium in Los Angeles, he said:

"It’s been a tough week. I just wanna say, look, if you don’t hear it from these lips, don’t believe it. Okay? Thank you everyone for your love and support. Me and my family love you guys.”

The couple have reportedly decided to split the custody of their two daughters, as per the Economic Times.

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