Looting the Seized Inventory in Reithwin Tollhouse

As you explore more of the Shadow-Cursed Lands in Baldur’s Gate 3’s Act 2, you will eventually come across the town of Reithwin and its Tollhouse, which contains a Seized Inventory. You will encounter the Gerringothe Thorm boss fight there, after which you will be able to explore the building and come across several chests and drawers containing loot and gold.

However, there is one room in particular that you will not be able to access easily. It’s the one with the Seized Inventory, and the entrance is blocked by Shadow-Cursed Vines.

You will not be able through them as the vines have Medium Toughness, and you will need atleast a 22-damage source to be able to deal damage to them. They will also have 160 HP; hence, you are better off finding alternatives to enter the room.

This Baldur’s Gate 3 guide will go over some of the steps to access the Seized Inventory in Reithwin Tollhouse.

Accessing Reithwin Tollhouse’s Seized Inventory in Baldur’s Gate 3

You will first need to beat Gerringothe Thorm to gain access to the Tollhouse treasures (Image via Baldur's Gate 3)

If you are looking for an easier way to gain access to the Reithwin Tollhouse’ Seized Inventory in Baldur’s Gate 3, here is what you will be required to do:

  • Instead of hacking away at the vines, make your way up the ladder that is located to the right of the Seized Inventory room. Here you will need to pass a Perception check, as the planks that are forming the roof of the room are rather loose, and any attack will break them immediately.
  • From the room, jump directly into the Seized Inventory. But make sure to use a Feather Fall potion, as the jump itself will take around 10 HP from each of your party members. Then there is also a secondary jump to the ground from the room, which will take another 10 points. Hence using the Feather Fall potion will help you prevent much of this damage.
  • Alternatively, you can also use Mage Hand into the room, and it will allow you to throw all the available loot there out of the window. Letting you have a much easier time accessing them.
  • A party member that has a good jump or has a flying ability can also have very easy access to the seized inventory. It can also be accessed by flying familiars like the Hollyphant, so don’t shy away from all the options that Larian has provided in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Gain access to Reithwin Tollhouse’s Seized Inventory from the roof (Image via Baldur's Gate 3)

All valuable loot in Reithwin Tollhouse’s Seized Inventory in Baldur’s Gate 3

Once you have access to all the loot in the Seized Inventory, you will be able to get your hands on the following items:

  • Greataxe +1 (Located on the Shelves)
  • Scroll of Color Spray (Located on the Shelves)
  • Crystal Ball (Located on the Shelves)
  • Selunite Prayer Book (Located on the Shelves)
  • Fireheart necklace (Located in a locked chest): The item gives the wearer Heat when they take Fire damage. They will take 1d4 damage when in Heat, but the character will be able to consume the status to deal bonus Fire damage on their next Fire attack.

These are incredibly valuable items that you will be able to get your hands on in Baldur’s Gate 3, which is why you should spend the time gaining access to the Reithwin Tollhouse’s Seized Inventory.

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