KUWK: North West Says She Wants To Become A Dancer, Rapper And Singer In Adorable New Video!

North West has been showing signs that she would like to follow into her father’s footsteps and go for an artistic career and has also been proving to have quite the talent and stage presence for a 6 year old. But now, the oldest child of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West also revealed her plans for the future in a super cute video.

As it turns out, North wants to be a rapper just like her dad, but also, a triple threat!

In the footage shared on Instagram, little North can be heard saying that ‘[I want to be] a dancer. I want to be a rapper and I want to be a singer!’

At the time, she was with her mom Kim and her great grandmother, Mary Jo and they showed the child a lot of support to follow her dreams.

This may be the first time North said it with her own words on camera that she wants a career in entertainment but the news is not exactly surprising since she has been part of a lot of little projects involving music and dancing.

The list includes the music video she and her mom made back in May of her dancing to Old Town Road.

Meanwhile, the video in which she shared her dreams with the world was actually meant to promote Kim’s brand new body makeup line!

The KUWK star can be seen showing her grandma how to apply the product.


‘My grandma MJ asked me about my Body Makeup and wanted me to come over to help cover her veins. North and I went straight to her house and showed her exactly how to use it and I love how happy she is with the results!’ Kim said in the caption.
