5 Best Destiny 2 Strand Fragments for Titans

Destiny 2 presents an exquisite universe for players to immerse themselves in, along with robust gunplay. The presence of myriad gameplay mechanics further enhances one's experience. Players can delve into combat by choosing from three classes namely Hunter, Warlock, and Titan. One can invest hours in crafting their desired character build.

Fragments play an important role in strengthening a build as they impart some robust buffs and abilities. If used correctly, they can turn the tides of a battle in the player’s favor and enable them to effortlessly defeat all enemy types including elite adversaries. Fans of the Titan class will benefit from the Fragments in this list.

Disclaimer: This listicle is subjective and solely reflects the writer’s opinions.

Thread of Mind and four other great Destiny 2 Strand Fragments for Titans

1) Thread of Mind

One can avail class ability energy using this Fragment (Image via Destiny 2)

Destiny 2 fans inclined towards replenishing their class ability energy should not ignore the Thread of Mind Strand Fragment for their Titan. Players can avail themselves of some class ability energy by slaying suspended adversaries.

One can resort to Drengr’s Lash Aspect associated with the Berserker subclass to suspend their foes. Defeating those impacted by the suspend debuff will maximize the chances of obtaining energy for the class abilities.

This incentivizes players to play aggressively while increasing the likelihood of unleashing class abilities faster. Fans interested in crafting Solar builds can refer to this list of five best Solar Fragments for Titans.

2) Thread of Transmutation

Players can trigger a Tangle using this Fragment (Image via Destiny 2)

Fans can rely on Thread of Transmutation to trigger a Tangle if they possess Woven Mail buff and defeat enemies with their weapon's final blows. Additionally, this Fragment also offers 10 units of Strength.

In order to acquire Woven Mail, players can resort to an Aspect named Into the Fray. They can cast their Super or destroy a Tangle to avail themselves of Woven Mail when using this Aspect. One must refer to this guide highlighting the five best Exotics for Strand Titans.

Thread of Transmutation’s effectiveness shines in PvP activities but it does not imply that one cannot use it in PvE-oriented builds. It is worth noting that players can unleash a Tangle only once in a span of 12 seconds.

3) Thread of Wisdom

It enables one to generate an extra Orb of Power (Image via Destiny 2)

Orbs of Power are instrumental in recharging Supers. Players can generate more of them with the help of Thread of Wisdom. One can do so by defeating suspended opponents upon landing precision final blows on them.

While many may prefer to use other Fragments since this one occupies a slot and only grants an extra Orb of Power, Thread of Wisdom is essential for players who are inclined to use abilities frequently.

One can use this Fragment to craft an aggressive Strand build for their Titan. Players interested in exploring Stasis can peruse this list of five best Exotics for Stasis Titans.

4) Thread of Continuity

This Fragment increases the duration of Sever, Unravel and Suspend (Image via Destiny 2)

There is no better strategy than inflicting as many debuffs on enemies as possible. One can take it a notch higher and increase the duration of Sever, Unravel, and Suspend debuffs by resorting to Thread of Continuity.

Players may receive 10 units of Strength from this Fragment and can greatly benefit from these effects when tackling swarms of enemies. The added duration helps one keep enemies at bay for longer.

Thread of Continuity is an excellent choice for PvE activities, thereby making it worthwhile for most Strand-based builds for Titan. Fans who often delve into the game solo can benefit from having this Fragment equipped.

5) Thread of Propagation

This Fragment is ideal for melee builds (Image via Destiny 2)

Avid Titan players often depend on melee hits to deal with enemies. However, they can get Unraveling Rounds for their Strand Weapons with the help of Thread of Propagation Fragment while executing melee final blows.

Unravel is one of the debuffs that can be inflicted on foes. Under the influence of this debuff, they are vulnerable to more damage, thereby making it easier for players to defeat them quickly.

One can check out this extensive guide on how to get Unraveling Rounds in Destiny 2. Players will be able to defeat a crowd of enemies easily with the use of Thread of Propagation and a potent rapid-fire weapon.

Destiny 2 fans are currently awaiting Season 22 this month which is set to introduce a new storyline and some other changes. One can refer to this article outlining the five things to look forward to in the next season.

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